이숙인.(2022).줄리아 조의 『오피스 아워』(Office Hour)에 나타난 윤리적 말 걸기와 메타 드라마 기법, 40(4), 49-77
Julia Cho’s Office Hour (2016) is a play inspired by the 2007 Virginia Tech massacre, a shooting incident involving a Korean American student. This article argues that Cho’s play is a call for giving an ethical accounting of oneself and addressing otherness beyond the dominant imaginary of the victim and perpetrator in the production of violence. The play not only demonstrates the ways in which the speaking subject is always already exposed to the structure of address, and thereby influenced by the operation of norms, but also it demonstrates the possibility of the subject’s giving an ethical accounting of oneself and listening to the voices of others silenced by the normative discourse, for the subject is invariably engaged in the process of negotiating with the conditions of social recognition. For this, the play makes use of metadramatic scenes of ‘Three Card Monte.’
Key words: 『오피스 아워』, 말 걸기의 구조, 자신을 설명하기, 쓰리 카드 몬테, 메타 드라마