박미경.김성훈.(2021)<스모크 시그널스>의 재현 전략: 스테레오타입 이미지 담론과 전복, 현대영화연구, 44(0), 51-77.
Mikyung Park , Seonghoon Kim.(2021) The Representation Strategy of Smoke Signals: Discourse and Subversion of Stereotypical Images, Contemporary Cinema Studies, 44(0), 51-77.
This paper explores how various Indian stereotypes are represented and simultaneously subverted in the 1998 film Smoke Signals to suggest that such representations are part of the strategies of using stereotype images intended by the writer and director. By comparing Sherman Alexie's original short story, "This is what it means to say Phoenix, Arizona" and other stories in The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fist/ight in Heaven and the movie itself, this paper analyzes the influence and effect of each work on the representation of the Indian stereotype. The detailed analysis of relevant sequences in this paper illustrates how stereotypical images, including those of white people, are reproduced in Smoke Signals, along with how the film effectively demonstrates a new vision of the Indian image, shedding light on the reality and the fiiture of Native American communities. Smoke
Signals, for instance, reveals the root cause of the stereotype image of "drunken Indians" in terms of the historical, social, and personal perspectives via the opening and its successive sequence; this is accomplished through the character of Arnold, Victor's father, and the symbol of fire. The film also depicts how the main character-Victor-changes, forms his identity, and grows into an autonomous figure during the narrative, based upon the realization and overcoming of his past and
heritage. As such, Alexie's representation of modern Indians in Smoke Signals, and in other works, should be understood as an attempt to correct and subvert the conventional stereotypes still dominant among mainstream audiences.
Indian stereotype Wiite stereotype stereotype image strategy subversicn contemporary native American representation Smoke S'gnals Sherman Alexie