강윤숙. (2021). 『추락』에서 신뢰할 수 없는 화자가 전하는 서사 뒤집기. 영어영문학21, 34(2), 5-22.
Yoonsook Kang. (2021). Overturning the Narrative Described by an Unreliable Narrator in Disgrace. English21, 34(2), 5-22.
초록 :
This paper explores the voice of J. M. Coetzee, the real narrator of his novel Disgrace, as he modifies and turns over the narrative described by the unreliable third-person narrator David Lurie. Coetzee deftly overlaps with the racist protagonist, focusing on Melanie and Isaacs. The first section of this paper examines the meanings of Coetzee’s deliberately adopted ambiguous point-of-view narrative strategy, noting that the story unfolds in a third-person narrator’s point of view but is tilted toward David. The second section analyzes how David’s rape of Melanie is distorted in its depiction by the unreliable narrator. The last section traces the twisted portrayal of Isaacs and at the same time explores the other narrative voice created of narrative by Coetzee. The multi-layered narrative of Disgrace shows the reality of white South Africans’ refusal to accept the changes after Apartheid and the distorted view of Black people created by the country’s troubled history. Coetzee sharply criticizes the reality of South Africa through narrative strategies that realistically express David’s racist views and correct them.
키워드 :
J. M. Coetzee Disgrace overutrning unreliable narrator ambiguous racist narrative strategy